I'm a Christian, not a KKKristian. And that's my business. I try to follow the teachings of Christ and fail miserably at times, especially this election year.

I find most atheists better at practicing those teachings than the hypocritical KKKristians. And I also find atheists are more acceptive of my very personal beliefs than said KKKristians.

And I despise Donold with every fiber of my soul. I will never forget nor will I forgive him for the millions who died unnecessarily of COVID.

See? I'm a terrible Christian. Fuck it. πŸŒŠπŸ’™

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It sounds like you're one of the good ones..... there are many good Christians, my mom is one of them

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So many NON - CHRISTIANS are BETTER at following the teachings of Jesus than people who identify as " Christian ". This takes place in many monotheistic faiths

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Ah, a rare thing these days: a real Christian. As an atheist brought up by Christians I respect others who respect me. Thats all we need in this world really.

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I have news for you. I think Jesus likes you very much. You have figured it out.

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I don't think so. I have never been so intolerant of MAGA stupidity as now. I'm supposed to forgive or something like that, and all I do is pray someone practices target shooting better.

My best friend is a former nun. She prays every morning to God that Trump "goes home". She's a former nun!

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I would suspect that nuns, being the Brides of Christ, are none too happy with the liberties currently taken in their husband’s Name, and with His teachings!

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She became a nun because she was a rabid Catholic and a lesbian. She thought by marrying Christ it would get her parents off her back about not marrying.

Then she fell in love, left the convent, bought a goat farm with her new wife, and now makes feta cheese. 🀣

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She sounds great to me πŸ˜€

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OR people who equate Orange Foolius with Jesus.

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πŸ˜€ you know what β€œgoing home” means: meet your maker. Im a catholic, believe me i know these things and so does she.πŸ˜€

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I'm a recovering Catholic. I know exactly what it means! She also says she hopes he "fucking dies".

A former nun prays for a man's death. You tell me how screwy Trump is.

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I would bet that there are many former nuns who would say that. Trump is the problem and the people drinking the kool aid. I can’t wait until he gets his special cell. Fully padded it will be.

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I remember when people actually drank the kool aid. He is Jim Jones to the nth power.

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So many reasons, but never wanting to spend time, much less an eternity, with these people is a good one

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Do I ever agree with that sentiment. Can you imagine?!? An eternal living death.

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If anyone wants to believe in a fictional being, it’s fine by me, as long as they don’t

β€’ expect me to do the same or

β€’ force their beliefs on me or others or

β€’ discriminate against anyone or

β€’ make laws that allow people to be denied medical care or

β€’ prosecute doctors for using their skill and training to save lives and prevent suffering or

β€’ force public education to teach religious stuff or

β€’ deny science and medical experts to the harm of others.

In fact, the First Amendment guarantees we can do both β€” that is, as long as we don’t hurt anyone else, believe in God in our own way OR not worship any god as we see fit β€” by giving us freedom OF religion and freedom FROM religion.

The problem as I see it is some people practice religion as though it entitles them to tell the rest of what to do, to punish us if we don’t march to their tune, AND to discriminate against others, so that we all have to accommodate them, even if it kills us.

I’ve likely left out some important points, but I think I’ve been clear: you do you, I’ll do me, and everyone should mind their own damn business.

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My maternal grandmother was one of those. 🀒 I was atheist at age 6. Those f***ing hypocrites can bite me! The surface is only a micron deep, and we need to scratch it, hard!

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I've seen their idiotic simple - minded crap& I'm largely OVER it.I had Bible school teachers that NO naive kid should be left alone with, My cousin still sees them as " people of God ", but she hasn't a critical -thinking cell in her cranium.

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And again, the difference in any person of religion and an atheist? The atheist believes in one less god. Period. Once I got there- it’s all easy.

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Jesus wept.

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Not that his example is worthy of emulation, IMO/

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I don't give any flavor of any religion a pass when it comes to culpability for dangerous offshoor sects of their particular sky spirit fairytales. That includes non-evangelical Christians.

European Christianity invaded every continent on this planet to impose its beliefs on, steal from, and often enslave the aboriginal peoples of the lands they stole in the name of their God.

That the end result of this history of imposing religion based superiority over others has spawned a version of that religion that has taken their "god given right" to an extreme is at minimum unsurprising, and was to be expected.

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Fantastic video! I had no idea of the history of Christianity in the US. Makes perfect sense why there is a rift between the south and the rest of the country.

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Ilene, there is a CHASM between the South & the rest of the country. & yet I live in the South & have heard a TON of redneck jokes.

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And today, you can still hear zealot followers and preachers peddling The Mark of Cain and The Curse of Ham to further their racist bigoted beliefs.

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My research into the Southern Baptist Church actually caused me to make the decision to become a full fledged antitheist atheist. Possibly the best decision I've ever made.

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Now understand why the USA is such a fucked up country! Thank you from a recently converted atheist .

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Excellent article, video etc. very well done. Enlightening even for people with a real knowledge of history. Watch it all. Time well spent.

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Thank you Dannys! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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"Prosperity gospel is predatory capitalism masquerading as religion." Brilliant! And sounds to be in the same vein as what I've been saying for quite a while: The USA is a corporation masquerading as a country. In some ways it always has been. But now, it's glaringly blatant... yet not enough people seem to care.

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The claim Christ while doing everything He said not to do.

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FUN FACT: The Republican Party was founded by people that were FIGHTING racism and gender inequality!

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