These pathetic morons are only a danger when you get them in an armed group , they’re craven cowards on their own. That’s why they want to carry ARs when they go to Walmart or the donut shop. They call themselves “ Christian’s” but how many do you think ever read “The Sermon On The Mount” ?They would call Jesus a liberal f*gg*t. They have no idea of Christ’s teachings . I’m an atheist because I do, and know that they are rooted in Bhudfism and the Golden Rule which predates ideas of Gods misogyny, intolerance and hellfire. They are know nothings. That’s why they’ll fail.
The idea of Hell is what makes Christianity the perfect system to control vast numbers of people. No other religion that I'm aware of has ever had the sheer temerity, the chutzpah, to propose an eternal damnation after death. It's the one thing that sets it apart from the thousands of religions on the planet, and makes it the only to scare the majority of its believers into obedience with the threat of torment after death. What kind of sick, sadistic bastards came up with that? To tack that onto the "God is love" stuff.... power and wealth must surely follow.
It’s really easy to see why so many people turn away from a God that is so violent as to send his only son into the darkness of our world to be murdered.
That insane pastor Greg Locke seems to have forgotten Matthew 5:5 (“blessed are the meek…”) and a host of other bible passages I choose not to really know enough to quote. It’s always interpretation that twists the message into whatever ends the preacher wants. Spouting such vile hatred and violence alongside the “I’m a Christian” is such a travesty!
Please- put “s around the words with small c for accuracy, “christian-nationalist” for that is a warped, fake cult, of religiosity kooks, Not a genuine religion. Accuracy is important. Don’t give them legitimacy they do not deserve, or have.
I absolutely believe that if we're truly serious about enforcing the separation of church and state, we MUST get rid of the trappings of Christianity in our government. All of it.
I've been an atheist for the better part of fifty years and I've seen the risks rising since I was a teen. It's beyond time to really separate our government from any religious affiliation. Religion combined with government INVARIABLY ends up a travesty of beliefs vs. freedom, and the US was designed to be all about freedom of beliefs. Imagine where the Native American peoples if our ancestors hadn't been so convinced they had the right of God on their side! Or the original slaves brought from Africa? The whole enterprise of slavery would have fallen apart in very short order.
We white folks aren't special. We're not blessed by God because we are white. Christianity was founded in the Middle East. The original Christians were brown, Jewish and Arabic and Mediterranean. Not white.
Christians aren't special. Christianity is one of thousands of religions in the world. Some worship a single god, some worship many. Lots of white folks say one god is the only way to worship. Virtually EVERY OTHER RELIGION SAYS THE SAME THING. So who's right and how do we decide? Every time that question is posed by a government, war ensues.
It's not insurmountable though. Education is a huge step toward putting worship in perspective. Once the ideas of Heaven and (particularly) Hell, are debunked, real freedom of belief is released. The fear of everlasting torment is a very hard thing to overcome, but not impossible. If one were so inclined, it frees a person to joyful religious observation. Jewish tradition has no concept of Hell. That strikes me as a very compassionate religion, and many others are similar. Buddhism isn't necessarily a religion at all, it's a philosophy of self-care for happiness. Not a bad thing either.
There are no communists in the Democratic party. You're just repeating propaganda bullshit you heard on Fox News. Oh, and here's a video of MAGA cultists worshipping Trump as "the Messiah."
MAGA Nazis in their own words: They want to end democracy and make Trump a God-like dictator with unlimited power to kill his enemies
These pathetic morons are only a danger when you get them in an armed group , they’re craven cowards on their own. That’s why they want to carry ARs when they go to Walmart or the donut shop. They call themselves “ Christian’s” but how many do you think ever read “The Sermon On The Mount” ?They would call Jesus a liberal f*gg*t. They have no idea of Christ’s teachings . I’m an atheist because I do, and know that they are rooted in Bhudfism and the Golden Rule which predates ideas of Gods misogyny, intolerance and hellfire. They are know nothings. That’s why they’ll fail.
The idea of Hell is what makes Christianity the perfect system to control vast numbers of people. No other religion that I'm aware of has ever had the sheer temerity, the chutzpah, to propose an eternal damnation after death. It's the one thing that sets it apart from the thousands of religions on the planet, and makes it the only to scare the majority of its believers into obedience with the threat of torment after death. What kind of sick, sadistic bastards came up with that? To tack that onto the "God is love" stuff.... power and wealth must surely follow.
It’s really easy to see why so many people turn away from a God that is so violent as to send his only son into the darkness of our world to be murdered.
I get your point, but remember Jesus is also God…
Thank you for sharing. Also - Thank goodness for the world and Pennsylvania that Shapiro won.
That insane pastor Greg Locke seems to have forgotten Matthew 5:5 (“blessed are the meek…”) and a host of other bible passages I choose not to really know enough to quote. It’s always interpretation that twists the message into whatever ends the preacher wants. Spouting such vile hatred and violence alongside the “I’m a Christian” is such a travesty!
I think you describe them to perfection.
Please- put “s around the words with small c for accuracy, “christian-nationalist” for that is a warped, fake cult, of religiosity kooks, Not a genuine religion. Accuracy is important. Don’t give them legitimacy they do not deserve, or have.
Even more than that, though, they’re racist, misogynistic 🍑holes. The Christian thing is a fake front.
I absolutely believe that if we're truly serious about enforcing the separation of church and state, we MUST get rid of the trappings of Christianity in our government. All of it.
I've been an atheist for the better part of fifty years and I've seen the risks rising since I was a teen. It's beyond time to really separate our government from any religious affiliation. Religion combined with government INVARIABLY ends up a travesty of beliefs vs. freedom, and the US was designed to be all about freedom of beliefs. Imagine where the Native American peoples if our ancestors hadn't been so convinced they had the right of God on their side! Or the original slaves brought from Africa? The whole enterprise of slavery would have fallen apart in very short order.
We white folks aren't special. We're not blessed by God because we are white. Christianity was founded in the Middle East. The original Christians were brown, Jewish and Arabic and Mediterranean. Not white.
Christians aren't special. Christianity is one of thousands of religions in the world. Some worship a single god, some worship many. Lots of white folks say one god is the only way to worship. Virtually EVERY OTHER RELIGION SAYS THE SAME THING. So who's right and how do we decide? Every time that question is posed by a government, war ensues.
That’s scary…
I have a hard time watching these. I left the sound off, turned on closed caption. Still feel faint with anxiety. But thank you.
It's not insurmountable though. Education is a huge step toward putting worship in perspective. Once the ideas of Heaven and (particularly) Hell, are debunked, real freedom of belief is released. The fear of everlasting torment is a very hard thing to overcome, but not impossible. If one were so inclined, it frees a person to joyful religious observation. Jewish tradition has no concept of Hell. That strikes me as a very compassionate religion, and many others are similar. Buddhism isn't necessarily a religion at all, it's a philosophy of self-care for happiness. Not a bad thing either.
Nobody worships Trump. They just don't want to be communists.
There are no communists in the Democratic party. You're just repeating propaganda bullshit you heard on Fox News. Oh, and here's a video of MAGA cultists worshipping Trump as "the Messiah."
MAGA Nazis in their own words: They want to end democracy and make Trump a God-like dictator with unlimited power to kill his enemies